I had so much fun yesterday with the Rogers girls. We have been watching them grow over the years through Shannon's sisters dance studio, Angie's Dance Plus. And WOW, how they have grown, into some beautiful young women! I just love this first shot of Momma with her girls. As a Momma of a little girl myself, it stirred so much emotion in me. These are her babies and they aren't much babies anymore. Time goes by too quickly.

Here is one of sweet Miss T. and her umbrella. I just LOVE it!!! You did such a great job, girl!

And one of big sister...She is a gifted tap dancer. And when she smiles, it penetrates your heart. Very beautiful, inside and out!

And just a few more for you girls...Thank you guys for coming out! We had such a great time! Can't wait to get together again! Have a great Monday! See you later at the studio :)