Monday, January 26, 2009

Kristen - Senior 2009

Kristen and her cuz, Dedra, spent some time with us on Saturday afternoon. She is a Senior at Pittsburg and is planning on getting a degree in Nursing. She is a beautiful girl, inside and out, and we had so much fun capturing her senior year! Thanks for letting us be a part of this special time!

Montgomery- 6 months

It was great seeing Mr. Montgomery on Saturday. He stopped by with his Mom and Grandparents to celebrate his 1/2 birthday! I can't believe how much he has grown! He is such a sweet little man. Thank you all for stopping by!
This was so funny to see...He has discovered his hands. He would just wave them around and stare in amazement. One of those things that as a parent, just makes your heart melt. Discovery is around every corner! What a gift to be able to share your life with a child!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kenzi Jo - Six Months

I can't believe that is has been 6 months since Kenzi came into our lives. She is such a joy! I get to spend some time with her, just about every Monday, cause she comes with her Momma and cousins to dance. Lucky me!! Here are some of her shots from her session on Saturday. We love you Kenzi! Hope you have a very happy 1/2 birthday!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Samantha - McAlester Senior

As we started the session, Sam confessed to us that she is not very photogenic...I started teasing her about this during the session, because once she felt comfortable and started letting us in, WOW! I can't help but laugh, thinking about her seriousness when telling us that yesterday. NOT photogenic, HA! lol!!

We had a great time, even though it was FREEZING cold out! She was a tough cookie and was able to zone out the cold and really give us some great stuff. This is just a flavor of the session...I hope you have a great week, Sam! It was so much fun hangin' with you for the afternoon! Thanks for letting us be a part of your Senior Year!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The perfect start to a new year....

2009 couldn't have started any better for our studio, a beautiful expecting mother, a supportive and loving father, and when posed together, their emotion is so visible, it would make any artist giddy. You all have an exciting year ahead. The birth of your child and the year that follows will be full of many milestones and memories. Nothing compares to this moment, this time. Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey. We can't wait to meet him.....

I just wanted to take a moment to talk about this image...I debated on whether or not to post it on the blog, due to the intimacy. But I think that is why I HAD to post it. It can have so many person may see it as if she is waiting at heaven's door, for the greatest gift of love given since He gave it all. Another may see her hand on the knob and her opening the door to a future, full of hope and endless possibilities. But is also signifies a death of sorts, closing the door on her past and the woman she was before. That is the beauty of art. Everyone has their own experiences that shapes their internal eye. None of these perceptions would be wrong. Differences are what make us so beautiful, colorful and keep me wanting to click the shutter....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I hope this finds you all enjoying the new year and recovering from a fun and joyous holiday season! We had a great Christmas and vacation, visiting family in Utah. I promise to post some shots from our adventure soon! McKenna is now an avid sledder and snowball maker! lol! I still laugh when I see the shots of her coming down the hill. And once at the bottom, as the sled comes to a hault, we would hear, "let's do that AGAIN!" Love it!

Now let's get to the reason for this post....I recently posted some of the shots from LeAnn and Jason's wedding/engagement session, but wasn't able to share any of them together or separate in their wedding attire. Well, they tied the knot last night, so here are a few for you to enjoy....Now that is the way you ring in the new year!!! Cheers and congratulations to you both!